1. If i can truely accept myself for who i am, then there will be more joy. (why it feels a bit uneasy using "i" instead of "one" ?)
2. Attachment/craving to people bring some sort of disturbance in me, expecting someone to do what i like or hoping is like a burden, i'll just let others be themself, and stop expectation on others. Perhaps then I can move on faster and make wiser decisions.
3. Trying to impress others by not expressing myself doesn't feels quite right. Thinking about the difference between myself and others, and trying to change myself to fit in others doesn't sound like a good idea. Maybe being my true self is being part of others (i read somewhere else that everyone is one whole).
4. i did a dumb thing again, i judge someone from outside without taking the effort to communicate.
5. i don't need to be #1 among others(even my family) but myself.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Learning Lessons 17 march 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
on Trade Value
I got some $ in my savings, which means i dont have to work for someone else to stay alive, i am thinking about how to use the $, especially in business. but what kind of business, i have been thinking here and there for few months, nothing concrete comes up, there's two project that i dip myself into, the first one is being abandoned half way, the second one seems shaky. I think i didnt address any problems or provide any solutions in the business, just an offering.
Which leads me to think, what is business? so far, i get its a form of trading, offering something that the perceive value to the customers is more than the cash they are paying. But what to be trade? what are others willing to pay for, what kind of business is to be venture into? with the commitment to work on it.... should i do something to get some income to keep my book looks better and more secure?
I remembered a story(real life) where a gentleman open a factory, that helps some africans housewifes to make cookies, creating a livehood for these housewifes, and sell cookies to the euro and US markets, pretty meaningful cookies.
Just watched a documentary on child prostitution in thailand, where kids from neighbouring country are being smuggered into thailand to work as prostitute or beggar, some were even being export to china, malaysia, and etc.... will i do something about it?
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Being The Light
Last nite during the toastmaster meeting, a speech is given on the subject of "I am the light"
It means that you, or i, or we have the ability to touches the life and bring out the goodness or potential of the others.
Never really thought of that thoroughly, even i want to do portraits that bring out the happiness and beauty within others, and make them aware of that.
Have been thinking about purpose of life past few days, there seems to be a clash on what i want to attain and what i like to do, am pretty frustrated over it, the speech somehow becomes a light, maybe it'll lead to some clarity.
If you are in KL, you are damn lucky, coz you get to join the KL money and you toastmasters Club, Where the speeches given are mostly enlightening and empowering.
If you would like to experience it, call this number o12-3212938, ask for the location, date and time.