Friday, December 15, 2006

Living togather

I think for people with different ethics and religion to live togather in peace, we need to:

  1. acknowledge we are all humans with feelings,
  2. find common ground rather than who are more right,
  3. learn from children on how to accept others,
  4. respect others freedom in search of belief,
  5. love own self.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Business relationship with clients and associates

  1. To serve clients and get things accomplished.
  2. Establish a long term WIN/WIN relationship, so all of us could growth in a healthy manner.
  3. There should be no personal agenda, the focus should be on the work itself.
  4. Communicate in truth with clients, associates & colleague.
  5. Educate others on how the company operates, and understand how others operates.
  6. Works towards higher standards in systern's efficiency with education and communication.
  7. Respect each other.

For the time being, that's for all.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Price of Happiness

A young man who feels miserable stare at a billboard that features a sexy girl with a phone number, reading the headline "Buy happiness for only 88 dollar"., he turns to the old woman beside him and asked, "If 88 bucks could buy happiness, is it worthy?"

The old lady smile, "Of couse it doesn't worth it, you silly guy, because happiness doesn't require a single cent to have it."

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Learning Lessons 17 march 2006

1. If i can truely accept myself for who i am, then there will be more joy. (why it feels a bit uneasy using "i" instead of "one" ?)

2. Attachment/craving to people bring some sort of disturbance in me, expecting someone to do what i like or hoping is like a burden, i'll just let others be themself, and stop expectation on others. Perhaps then I can move on faster and make wiser decisions.

3. Trying to impress others by not expressing myself doesn't feels quite right. Thinking about the difference between myself and others, and trying to change myself to fit in others doesn't sound like a good idea. Maybe being my true self is being part of others (i read somewhere else that everyone is one whole).

4. i did a dumb thing again, i judge someone from outside without taking the effort to communicate.

5. i don't need to be #1 among others(even my family) but myself.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday, October 06, 2006

on Trade Value

I got some $ in my savings, which means i dont have to work for someone else to stay alive, i am thinking about how to use the $, especially in business. but what kind of business, i have been thinking here and there for few months, nothing concrete comes up, there's two project that i dip myself into, the first one is being abandoned half way, the second one seems shaky. I think i didnt address any problems or provide any solutions in the business, just an offering.

Which leads me to think, what is business? so far, i get its a form of trading, offering something that the perceive value to the customers is more than the cash they are paying. But what to be trade? what are others willing to pay for, what kind of business is to be venture into? with the commitment to work on it.... should i do something to get some income to keep my book looks better and more secure?

I remembered a story(real life) where a gentleman open a factory, that helps some africans housewifes to make cookies, creating a livehood for these housewifes, and sell cookies to the euro and US markets, pretty meaningful cookies.

Just watched a documentary on child prostitution in thailand, where kids from neighbouring country are being smuggered into thailand to work as prostitute or beggar, some were even being export to china, malaysia, and etc.... will i do something about it?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Being The Light

Last nite during the toastmaster meeting, a speech is given on the subject of "I am the light"

It means that you, or i, or we have the ability to touches the life and bring out the goodness or potential of the others.

Never really thought of that thoroughly, even i want to do portraits that bring out the happiness and beauty within others, and make them aware of that.

Have been thinking about purpose of life past few days, there seems to be a clash on what i want to attain and what i like to do, am pretty frustrated over it, the speech somehow becomes a light, maybe it'll lead to some clarity.

If you are in KL, you are damn lucky, coz you get to join the KL money and you toastmasters Club, Where the speeches given are mostly enlightening and empowering.
If you would like to experience it, call this number o12-3212938, ask for the location, date and time.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Great TVC, who did it?

Wow. Visit malayisa TVC. Nicely crafted, is it for taiwan or china market?

Friday, September 15, 2006


All upsets are opportunity to learn.

I feel pretty bad yesterday, now I feel goooood. I just found out that everytime I get upset, I will learn something.

Just read from a chapter of a book yesterday, growth is changing from old to new, from good to better. No need to beat myself out of it. :D

Saturday, September 02, 2006

On Love

Make a search on how Buddha teaches on the subject of Love. i post a few paragraph from different page.

The Buddha taught the following to his son Rahula:

"Rahula, practice loving kindness to overcome anger. Loving kindness has the capacity to bring happiness to others without demanding anything in return.
Practice compassion to overcome cruelty. Compassion has the capacity to remove the suffering of others without expecting anything in return.
Practice sympathetic joy to overcome hatred. Sympathetic joy arises when one rejoices over the happiness of others and wishes others well-being and success.
Practice non-attachment to overcome prejudice. Non-attachment is the way of looking at all things openly and equally. This is because that is. Myself and others are not separate. Do not reject one thing only to chase after another.
I call these the four immeasurables. Practice them and you will become a refreshing source of vitality and happiness for others."

The definition of love in Buddhism is: wanting others to be happy.
This love is unconditional and it requires a lot of courage and acceptance (including self-acceptance).
The "near enemy" of love, or a quality which appears similar, but is more an opposite is: conditional love
The opposite is wanting others to be unhappy: anger, hatred.
A result which one needs to avoid is: attachment.

"Love your enemy."
It doesn't mean love the person you hate. You can't do that. Love those who hate you.

Above paragraphs can be found here

The Buddha and the enlightened men and women who followed him are often depicted as motivated by love, but never as in need of being loved. Perhaps we have an innate impulse to love, while being loved is not required in order to be happy and free.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Choice to Opening Heart

When I join sales, I learned and used techniques in asking question. its called probing.

For an example, I seldom ask people a "close" question, instead I use "open"question. For an example of example:

"Can I come to see you next week?" This will be a "close" question, coz you can answer "Yes" or "No", in a way, rejection comes quite easily.

"Which day are you free to meet up next week?" This is an "open" question, leading you to an result I desired.

but Now, I feel its not good to probe with a open question, because its sort of not addressing one feelings, of caring what one really wants. If ones reject, it must have for a certain reason.

The ediot who spread this probing technique sucks, if customers are King, would you probe the King?

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

She has grown up healthy :)

I just receive a annual update of Azhiguli, a child i sponsor for 1.5 years from Xin Jiang, China. There's a photo attached in it.

I feel so happy for she have step into high school. Doesn't have much changes on her look, still the same sweet look wearing a head scarve, just a bit taller.

She is walking 5km to school ... :(
... and she wants to become a police ... @_@

I am thinking if I could get her a bicycle... buy yet, does she know how to ride???

Please visit worldvision , they have offices all around the world. When you adopt a child, you give him/her a chance to excel in their lifes.

Friday, August 25, 2006


Every dad have their own responsiblity, this one responsible for living his son's life to the fullest.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Best gift i could share with everyone

Just returned from a meditation retreat. No very big emotion change after it, but I'm very very pleased on following:

  1. I am so happy to come across a great being who is still alive, his name is SN Goenka. Before this, I feel pretty bad for the departure of Jiddhu Krishnamurti and Osho, I read their teaching only after they pass away.
  2. I learned a meditation technique called Vipassana that I could practice to end suffering, to live towards real happiness. Not only intelectually but walking the path and experience it.
  3. I found a gift that I could give to others through sharing, and its free, such a wonderful gift to the world from Gautama, the Buddha.
  4. I got more clarity on doings, in daily living and business.

If anyone would like to experience this gift, click here
May all being be in peace, be in harmony, and be happy.

Friday, August 04, 2006


It was yesterday, after I got my hair cut short, real short. My aunt told me I look like a nerd.

Have been wanting to do so, but thought of lots of stuff, fear of effecting my sales call, laughter, image problem and so on.

But I feel so happy after doing it, even though its not shaved bald as I want to ... but next time !!!!

I told a friend before, "No one really cares about how others look like, most only care about self-image, which is likely to based on own perception of how others will look at us" If my statement is true, then there's nothing much to fear about self image since others doesnt care much about it.

"Would you prefer I am taller, shorter, thinner, fatter, more good-looking, less good-looking than you?"

Anyone wanna touch my head? $1 for 20 seconds.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Lateral Thinking

Guess what! I am all the while confuse about the ideas I got on whether they are workable.

After recent Monay and You review, here's what the instructor said, "Don't ask others what do they think if you got a lateral thought, just execute it, and the market will feedback."

So enlightening. :D Thanks Dominique

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Love & Peace

Am doing a painting for a competition in Japan. The theme is "Love" or "Peace"

I come up with 2 painting, i don't know is it love or peace, just a feeling. Can Love be explained? I feel both is closely related.

anyhow here's my painting description:

" I am the father,
I am the mother,
I am the child,
And so is everyone,
When I can see the oneness in all,
Then will comes the manifestation of Love and Peace"

I wish I will live towards the above.

Friday, July 21, 2006


I listened to their songs during my college year, that's years after they dismissed the band. Somehow, I think its a great band with superb combination, its like the west got Guns and Roses, and the east got X-japan.

I found their old MTV from youTube, and guess what, so did some recent performance of the members. And its pretty funny looking the change.

Here's the original X-japan

After years....Here's the

vocalist, Toshi

Leader, Pianist, Drummer, song writer - Yoshiki

The lead guitarist - Hide, killed himself ... too bad

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Lame Reasons & New Affirmations

After a conversation with a friend last nite, I discovered I am giving reasons on why my business progress is so slow. Here's the list:

1. I am in a dilemma, with so many ideas, I dunno if I should focus < I blamed it on the ideas

2. I am doing in all alone, I need an "S" person to help < I blamed it on my lack

3. I feel confused what should I do after reading pass half of "The Master Key System" < I blame it on a book

4. I dunno if I should continue study or do business < I blame it on having multiple choices

5. I still havent got a clear picture how to talk to the condo management < I blame it communication

6. I don't have enough resources to kick start < I blame it on resources, without really go to dig them out

This morning, when I jog in the park, I realized all these negative statements I have put it my self. negative thoughts....FXXX

Here's the new affirmation:

1. I'll run two project silmutaneously, the art project as the main and survey project as a sub.

2. I'll talk to the condo management on my service offering. I'll make their day more interesting.

3. There's so many resources around, they shall come automatically.

4. Partnership will comes automatically. I will get the right people to work with.

5. The Master key will finetune my path and keep me conscious on the power.

By the way, Thanks for my wonderful friend for the conversation, which leads to these realization.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Secret

Here's something you should watch if you want something great happens in your life.

There's 2 ebooks available for free on the site, download "The Master Key System", read through it, and internalize it, and see what happens.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Point Zero

If this is Point Zero, where past is irrelevant, how will I build the future?

1. go to learn painting, and calligraphy
2. involve in voluntery work for charity
3. practice meditation/ yoga/ taichi
4. build a foundation that generates income to fund children's education
5. have a happy family
6. build a studio, with a 1km diameter compound so I wont see my neighbour in the morning. plants lot of greens and animals.
7. build remarkable business, that create lots of value to the world, generate lots of profits..
8. tell the world that there's a happy, lovely being inside each of us.

What's the status now?

1. I can do it now
2. I can do it now
3. I can do it now
4. don't know how yet, with a brief idea in mind
5. don't know how, need to clear some blocks
6. don't know how yet, with a brief picture in mind
7. don't know how yet
8. I can do it now, need to clear some blocks

Monday, July 10, 2006

Cure for Cancer

A Taiwanese doctor claimed that he had a cure for prostate cancer. He claimed a 100% success rate. "How do you know your treatment is successful?" the doctor was asked. The doctor replied, "After I treat my patients I never see them again."

Friday, July 07, 2006

Where Your Power Goes?

Randy shared with money and you toastmaster commiters. "Are you giving power to your words or reasons?"

I choose the first !!!

"I'll give power to my words"

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I am Committed

I make my vow in commiiting to attend every Money and You Toastmaster Meeting and volunteer for table topic speech, unless I am overseas or in seminar.

And our ex-president pointed out that commitment should be make out of choice, not burden. Commitement also needs clarity on to what extent is your commitment.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Who's the Painter?

My friend ask me, "Who draw this picture?" I told her, "you draw part of it."

She don't seems to get it, do you?

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Beautiful That Way

Press here to play or download the song

Smile, without a reason why
Love, as if you were a child
Smile, no matter what they tell you
Don’t listen to a word they say
'Cause life is beautiful that way

Tears, a tidal-wave of tears
Light that slowly disappears
Wait, before you close the curtain
There’s still another game to play
And life is beautiful that way

Here, in his eyes forever more
I will always be as close as you remember from before.

Now, that you're out there on your own
Remember, what is real and what we dream is love alone.

Keep the laughter in your eyes
Soon, your long awaited prize
Well forget about our sorrow
And think about a brighter day
'Cause life is beautiful that way

From the motion picture "Life IS Beautiful" / "La Vita E Bella"

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Mr.Big - To be with you video

one of my high-school favourite. great music, great vocal, but bad lyric. I wonder why most songs lyric are about something bad.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I Found My Mentor!!!

Today is a special day. A mentor, caring neighbor, buddy during my uni days, whom I have been trying to contact for a long long time, with many many ways, but unsuccessful, reappeared online on my MSN messenger.

At here, I would like to thank him for all the guidance and help he gave me during my sophosmore year. He is now married with 2 adorable children, Happy Father Day, Tee Hooi !!!

Er, what kind of message is this? Yeah, I will value the people around me before its too late.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Tony is Back !!!

Anthony Robbins is back, with his new program called "Ultimate Relationship Program"

Haven't listen his voice for quite a while, I'm happy to hear him again, so much energy and enthusiasmin it.

You can catch a interview with Larry King on this, watch it here.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Roland Garros Final

The battle between world No.1 Roger Federer and world No.2 Rafael Nadal in the recent Rolland Garos last for more than 3 hours. Federer, with the record of 1 win-4 lose against Nadal won the first set with an amazing margin of 6-1 that shocked everyone else, including me. I am so overly excited and my mind went "oh Yes! Federer is going to thrash Nadal this time, and become the 6th person in the world to win all major grandslam"

But from the second set onwards, we saw Nadal went all out to fought for victory, while most of Federer's shot looked more like fighting for survival. Nadal won the 2nd set 6-1, 3rd set 6-4 and the gameset 7-6 (7-4).

Federer is undoubtly a more skillful player than Nadal (probably everyone else in the era), whenever he played creatively, he produced some amazing shots. But too bad, he was more like playing safe on that day and got into a lot of unforced errors, whereas Nadal was producing steady returns, and fought like a warrior.

Next year, I hope Federe will win the Rolland Garros (The only grandslam he missed). As for Nadal, hopefully he could win something other than just clay.

The lesson I got: Play Creatively, And Play To Win

Monday, June 12, 2006

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Live Dream As If ...

Jack canfield shared how he and Mark sold their 1st million copy of Chicken Soup For The Soul.

They wrote down on a piece of card that read something like " We are enjoying the sales on 1 million copy sale of our book, Chicken Soup For The Soul in 1 DAY", and put it in their wallet.

During a flight, Jack met a lady who markets for a largest bookstore chain across whole united states' airports. He told him about the vision, and she decided to put them on a chartered flight and marathon acrossed the airports around the states to promote the book.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Jack Canfield Live!!!

Today I met Jack Canfield!!!!!!! Yeah, the author of Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Jack talked about "Don't Do" List. And I wrote mine down:

  1. Don't waste my time in
  2. Don't surf the net more than 2 hours a day, unless I am doing research
  3. Don't spend more than 2 hours with negative people. I don't quite believe in energy will affect the surroundings until Jack show me how water structure will change according to energy of mantra, words...superb
  4. Don't use the word "I can't" or "I try"

You Are What You Say

After a long break from my toastmaster journey, I showed up yesterday, and Gracias, our club's legend mr Randy Teh came back to visit us. I miss his powerful voice, its like andre brocelli doing a speech.

And guess what, before the whole stuff starts, he give me another great insights: "You are what you say. If you say you are powerful, you are, if you say this is easy, it is." During my speech, I told myself, "I am better than Ajahn. I will be as good and natural like when I am rehersing alone. I gain back my control during half way. less shaky, and remember most of my speech.

One more time, "I am a great speaker!"

Saturday, June 03, 2006

3 Games 3 Results

Two weeks ago, I participated in 3 business simulation games in a workshop called Building Your Entrepreneurial Empire by clinton swaine.

1st game: We went into bankruptcy, the team was in havoc, and everyone was upset.

2nd game: We went into bankruptcy, the team was having lots of fun, and everyone was pretty happy because we didn't know we were bankrupt until the game ends.

3rd game: We make handsome profit, the CEO lost communication with the Sales and CFO, and the production team (which I was in it) were moaning over not getting enough attention and feedback, and everyone was going their own way.

At the end, what do I got? I got pretty upset and fun and some real hard facts on my own behaviour. Thanks Clinton, you are magnificent!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Free Yourself

me, "bro, I found a cool audio, I want to share with you, here's the link"

bro, "I am not free"

me, "okay, check it out whenever you are not free"

bro, "huh?"

me, "so it can get you free from whatever you are doing"

Technorati : , : ,

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Who Lives Poorer?

There's two friends, Jack & Jill going for lunch.
Jack got 10 dollar in his pocket, he opens up the menu and think, "I got 10 bucks with me, I can order whatever I like until 10 bucks"
Jill got 50 dollar in his pocket, he opens up the menu and think, "I got only 50 bucks with me, I better order something that just cost me 10 bucks, so I can have another 40 bucks to spent later"

Who lived poorer at that very moment?

Technorati : :

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Kalama Sutta

Do not believe in anything (simply)
because you have heard it.

Do not believe in traditions because they

have been handed down for many generations.

Do not believe in anything because it is

spoken and rumoured by many.

Do not believe in anything (simply) because

it is found written in your religious books.

Do not believe in anything merely on the authority

of your teachers and elders.

But after observation and analysis

when you find that anything agrees with reason

and is conductive to the good and benefit of one and all

then accept it and live up to it.

(Anguttara Nikaya Vol. 1, 188-193 P.T.S. Ed.)

2 Religion in the World

From Ajahn "The Super Monk" Brahmavamso #4:

"For me there's only two kind or religion in the world. one is the kind that "change the facts to feeds your faith", the other one is the kind that "change your faith to feed the facts."

The 1st one is more like your perspective, the 2nd one is dealing with the truth.

Tale of 2 Sisters

From Ajahn "The Super Monk" Brahmavamso #3

2 sisters comes to Ajahn, One begins to complain about the relationship with her husband (Well, if you read the previos post, maybe its not a relationship afterall), and wonder if she should just have a divorce.

The other one said how lonely she was for being single for her age, and hope so much that she could have a relationship with someone.

The 1st thought: "This is easy, just Swap!!!" everyone laughs.

Ajahn turn to the 1st sister, "Look, when you are married, you go through the married suffering, if you get divorce, you will get the single suffering, look at your sister." The same goes to the 2nd sisters.

The lesson is, "When you jumps from one situation to another one, there will be new suffering, the problem is not solved, you just jump into another kind of suffering. The only way out is that you could live in peace with it and look at the positive side of it." ... which leads to the dog's poo story:

"You are walking on the street, and suddenly you just realized you step on a dog's poo. What should you do?" Ajahn continued, "you take the poo back home and cover it under your mango tree. A year later, you just found that the mango is sweeter than the previous year. Instead of blaming the dog or the owner who lets it do so, you take advantage of what is happening and seek out the positive side."

The End of All Ends

From Ajahn "The Super Monk" Brahmavamso #2

Ajahn hold up a cup of water, and says ," I have practice meditation for such a long time, do you all think I could keep the cup still in the air?" After a while, "Is it still in the air?" Everyone laughed.

"Now it is still." He puts it down at the table, "Buddha has a great way in teaching this, don't impose our thinking on something, wanting them to change, just let it be the way it is, accept it as it is. When you stop the wanting, the suffering stops as well."


From Ajahn "The Super Monk" Brahmavamso #1:

Its not about my happiness, or the other's happiness, but us. If one lives on his own happiness, he becomes a self center person, wanting things to be done in his way; If one lives for other's happiness, and forego his own, he will be drain out of life.

Us is the relationship between, there no "I" or "you". Work on the relationship that bond us togather, everyone becomes more fulfilled and happier. Work on either side, someone has to loose away something.

What is the relationship? Ajahn,"When we are talking, the listening is the relationship, the being mindfullness..."

Haven't been able to understand it well yet.... #_#

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

WOW! Stuff

Some WOW! stuffs learn from Tom Peters

"Reward Excellent Failures, Punish Mediocre Successes"

Find Heroes, Do Demos, Tell Stories

Talents top priority is not money, but the opportunity to excel

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Testing on Perfomancing

This is a testing using Performancing

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Last Minute Surprises

Read the email on a effective speech closing ceremony at last minute, and get a call from my uncle asking me to go along, and agree due to some frustration with my PC, and surprisingly learned some valuable notes for the two hours session.

  • Corporate philosophy is imporatant for a company - What's in it for the employees? How to build a win-win between the company and employees.
  • DELL 3C philosophy - Connectivity, Community, Customer.
  • There's no price to kindness, its pricelss.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Nothing Can't Be Done

Last nite, an entrepreuner gives me a lesson. he quotes,

"We don't know what we don't know. If you still act like as if you know, its called ignorance. That's why I never say things can't be done, I only says I don't know how to do it."

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Ollie King

Meet Ollie King, a character created by a 8-year old, whom dad is a VC who was threatened into funding his son business. Way to Go ... Ollie King! Click on the image to goto Ollie King's site.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


There is no "I" in TEAMWORK.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Am I Successful?

I have crowned everyone as a successful being. If you have race against 50 million of your own kins and turn out to be champion, and that's are not considered successful? I don't know what else is successful.

That's what I got few weeks back. This morning, as I walk to someplace, this thing pop up in my head, how come I still don't feel successful, something must have been missed.

First of all, I forgot I am successful, I forgot to live successfully.
Try to look at it, successful is a kind of feeling, it can't be defined as having the things I want, because if I got something, I want another thing, I won't stop wanting until I die. Then I will never be successful? I believe it's the way of living and awareness of being successful.

So I have some goals to be work out at this stage, I'll make more in the future. But for now, I am successful, it's not only if the goals is realized, it's when I am doing it now, with a successful manner. Being alive now and doing something is bloody successful. < be explore more>

Sunday, April 02, 2006

HTML is fun

I've learned HTML today... look what can I do with it

Who is Satan?

Are you ?

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


When our emotion, mind and physical is going different directions, we feel lost.

When emotion, mind and physical become one, we are living in wholeness, everything we do become meditation.

And to align these 3 to become 1, use our intelligence to guide us.

~ learned from Dhyan Vimal

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

What Leader Do

Here's what a leader does to buy-in others to follow:

  1. Paint the brightness of future
  2. Frequently communicate and interact with others
  3. Paint the darkness of future

Learned from Money and You Reunion 21th Mar 2006.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Did Your Goal Setting Works?

I attended a talk by prof. Lee Jian, the CEO of, which is a subsidiary company of Li Ka-shing , who is the 10th most wealthiest man in the world, 1st in Asia (According to Forbes latest ranking )

He mentioned a unique way in Goal-Setting, and I think that explains why most people fails in goal-setting (including me of course). Just a tiny twist will change the outcome, I called it the distinction.

If you would like to know, send me USD29.99, pretty cheap compare to seeing your goal drifted another few more years to realized...haha

Friday, March 10, 2006

The Poker Game

There's an interesting game in the CASINO, called poker. Here's how it works:

each player place 3 bets: first on PAIR(If you have a bigger pair than the dealer's, you get additional bonus), second on ANTE(you hand is better than the dealer's).

Then the players will get 5 cards each. After looking at your cards, if you decide to continue , you place your third bet on PLAY(the amount is equal to ANTE).

Or you can give up, and the dealer will swipe your bet on PAIR and ANTE away, without even have to show his hand.

After watching for a while a few rounds, I figure out that's why CASINO make so much money, they play against ediots.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Top 5 Barriers in LIFE

Yesterday, a seminar guy told us that survey shows that the 5 biggest barriers stopping one from being what they want to be is the same between normal citizens and millionaires.

  1. TIME
  2. MONEY
Then, he go on to show us how TIME and MONEY is irrelevant, and for you to know the rest, go attend his seminar.But if you are interested enough to know the first 2, send me a cheque.

What's your Title

Read an interesting story in a book by Dee Hock, founder @ CEO of VISA.

During his days with one of the banks. All the employee doesn'y carry any official title, but they are free to choose: LORD, DUKE, YOUR HIGHNESS, SIR .... the only condition is that if you choose one, you need to carry it wherever you go. so it ends up no one wants one.

And some new employees asked,"How is everyone going to know what I do if I don't have a title?"
Dee Hock, " If what you do is not obvious to everyone, there must be something wrong "

Monday, February 27, 2006

Who Do You Love Most

Here's a paragraph of Buddha's story, if you cant understand the words, get a chinese to interprete it.



其實你誰也不愛,你只愛自己;愛自己的欲望、希望夢想,我愛這個人是因為我期待他能實現我的理想,一但他的行為與態度與我所要的背道而馳,所有的愛就消失不見,所以我不是愛別人,而是愛 自己,只要能認清這點,就很容易去除私念,就能夠走出以自我為中心的習性,所以這是 內觀者 第一個重要的體會。

Sunday, February 19, 2006


Lets bullshit some philosophy today :

"Once you found love, you will never lose it. what will be lose is only selfishness & self-centreness"

Idea... experience possibilities

Spent two days promoting my company's service during the convention of an recently launched International MLM company. My mission: to talk to their distributors that they can buy and pay conveniently using my company service.

The development of strategy during the exhibition is pretty fun. first, we begins from qualifying the prospect and only focus on local distributors(Idea), then some of the leaders from oversea express keen to promote to their local sponsors (experience) , we shift to encouraging their leaders to spread the news to local distributors (new possibilities).

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The limitation of "I"

"I" is a creation of experience from the past. There's a limitation on new possiblities.

If we look at something with the "I" involved, the truth is being blinded, the situation is being treated within the limitation of "I", that moment is lived within the "I".

How the "I" is resolved from the moment ? How does it feels at the moment?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Happy People on February 14th

Wish all the florists around the world Happy Valentines Day !!!
Also to all couples who are waiting for this day to be happy ... hahaha ... what a crap

Sunday, February 12, 2006

6 billion successful being

"In darkness I was looking for light, not knowing I am the light,
In failure I was looking for success, not knowing my very being is sucess"

I read this from a website. sounds true, but need to explore more...anyone wanna join me?
No wonder most people don't claim "I am very successful"

Friday, February 10, 2006

Recap of what read from Dyan Vimal's book

"I want to be have a million" I am not happy with what I have now, I want to have more money. And are likely to be emotionally affected if I haven't get the one million.

The same goes with the idea of oneself, if it is being attacked, "I" will feel hurt. But what is really being hurt is just an idea. "I" must be honest, "I" must be loving, "I" must be respected...

Yet, it is the idea of "I", that blinded the truth.

Patriotism, Nationalism, and racism are seperating our self from others. I am chinese, you are indian, the difference have been stated.

but how should it goes ? need to think about it.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Dog Should Have Air-Con

I am protesting for all the puppies who are not given an air-conditioned environment, especially for those fury kind like shi-tzu.

Being locked up in a cage sucks, without air-conditioning makes it double sucks.

I walked into a Pet-shop without air-con, and the puppies jump up and down barking at me, begging me to take them away. their fur tells how humid it is in that room.

Too bad, I am a bit stingy and stay in a condo, or else I'll buy all of them freedom.
On the other hand, maybe I should buy the shop an air-con ... But who's gonna pay for the electricity bills??? haha

Friday, February 03, 2006

Chinese New Year

This year is Dog year. As every year, we celebrate with 3 consecutive days of fiesta.

I am thinking of buying a fish tank, and put in some small fish. But The thought of travelling abroad stops me, who is gonna feed my fish. well, maybe I can leave it with my parents ...

This new year, I slept a lot in the afternoon. I am feeling not well after going through the rumble between food temptation vs self control.

Ding ding ... Food is the winner !

I wish everyone have a happy year, except politician.
I wish my grandma, my parents and myself a healthy years.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Can't remember the exact what I read in Jiddu Kirshnarmuti's book.

It says somthing like this:
We should look at what is at every single moment.
religion and belief brings people apart, coz you have develop certain belief. and this belief seperate you from others. Example of a christian and atheist.

Belief and idea is a thing from memory of past ... blah blah blah

Friday, January 20, 2006

Great To Forget

My mom begins to complains, "Sometime I forgetful and can't remember things that just happen, I must be old."

Ironically, I always can't remember things I read few hours ago, especially I try to write it down in the blog, sometimes I'm quite happy for that.

mmmmm.... Let me try to remember something from yesterday ...
I read The Book of Life yesterday. Then I watched Oliver Twist, I like the character of Fagins at that moment. But both have not much meaning now.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Cease of Commenting

I got a new practice, not to comment on others' doing.

I'll just choose whether to participate or not participate, and start concentrate on my own.

Monday, January 09, 2006

The Other Side of Coin

Internet Marketing Guru, Corey Rudl says it silly to direct visitor to your website out of your website. but sometimes the reason is simply more than that for doing so

Saturday, January 07, 2006

How Are You ?


How are you, who are reading this now?

I don't ask this like the normal ritual when meeting someone else. but I want to know how you are doing? Are you happy? Do you have something to share?

So, how are you?

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Who are You?

I always asked by stranger online, "Who are you"

I found a fun way to answer, its pretty zen:

" I am I, I am not who, who are you "

Shouting Culture

One side of my family members shout at each other. its pretty gross watching it.

Do they enjoy doing so? Doubt so. But I believe shouting is a form of energy, if someone shout at you, and you receive it, you will react by shouting back to let it out. So the best way is to ignore someone who shouts at you.'

And Beware that Shouting is very likely to be passed down for generations.