Monday, February 27, 2006

Who Do You Love Most

Here's a paragraph of Buddha's story, if you cant understand the words, get a chinese to interprete it.



其實你誰也不愛,你只愛自己;愛自己的欲望、希望夢想,我愛這個人是因為我期待他能實現我的理想,一但他的行為與態度與我所要的背道而馳,所有的愛就消失不見,所以我不是愛別人,而是愛 自己,只要能認清這點,就很容易去除私念,就能夠走出以自我為中心的習性,所以這是 內觀者 第一個重要的體會。

Sunday, February 19, 2006


Lets bullshit some philosophy today :

"Once you found love, you will never lose it. what will be lose is only selfishness & self-centreness"

Idea... experience possibilities

Spent two days promoting my company's service during the convention of an recently launched International MLM company. My mission: to talk to their distributors that they can buy and pay conveniently using my company service.

The development of strategy during the exhibition is pretty fun. first, we begins from qualifying the prospect and only focus on local distributors(Idea), then some of the leaders from oversea express keen to promote to their local sponsors (experience) , we shift to encouraging their leaders to spread the news to local distributors (new possibilities).

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The limitation of "I"

"I" is a creation of experience from the past. There's a limitation on new possiblities.

If we look at something with the "I" involved, the truth is being blinded, the situation is being treated within the limitation of "I", that moment is lived within the "I".

How the "I" is resolved from the moment ? How does it feels at the moment?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Happy People on February 14th

Wish all the florists around the world Happy Valentines Day !!!
Also to all couples who are waiting for this day to be happy ... hahaha ... what a crap

Sunday, February 12, 2006

6 billion successful being

"In darkness I was looking for light, not knowing I am the light,
In failure I was looking for success, not knowing my very being is sucess"

I read this from a website. sounds true, but need to explore more...anyone wanna join me?
No wonder most people don't claim "I am very successful"

Friday, February 10, 2006

Recap of what read from Dyan Vimal's book

"I want to be have a million" I am not happy with what I have now, I want to have more money. And are likely to be emotionally affected if I haven't get the one million.

The same goes with the idea of oneself, if it is being attacked, "I" will feel hurt. But what is really being hurt is just an idea. "I" must be honest, "I" must be loving, "I" must be respected...

Yet, it is the idea of "I", that blinded the truth.

Patriotism, Nationalism, and racism are seperating our self from others. I am chinese, you are indian, the difference have been stated.

but how should it goes ? need to think about it.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Dog Should Have Air-Con

I am protesting for all the puppies who are not given an air-conditioned environment, especially for those fury kind like shi-tzu.

Being locked up in a cage sucks, without air-conditioning makes it double sucks.

I walked into a Pet-shop without air-con, and the puppies jump up and down barking at me, begging me to take them away. their fur tells how humid it is in that room.

Too bad, I am a bit stingy and stay in a condo, or else I'll buy all of them freedom.
On the other hand, maybe I should buy the shop an air-con ... But who's gonna pay for the electricity bills??? haha

Friday, February 03, 2006

Chinese New Year

This year is Dog year. As every year, we celebrate with 3 consecutive days of fiesta.

I am thinking of buying a fish tank, and put in some small fish. But The thought of travelling abroad stops me, who is gonna feed my fish. well, maybe I can leave it with my parents ...

This new year, I slept a lot in the afternoon. I am feeling not well after going through the rumble between food temptation vs self control.

Ding ding ... Food is the winner !

I wish everyone have a happy year, except politician.
I wish my grandma, my parents and myself a healthy years.