Monday, April 02, 2007

i feel anger arising

its not a good start for morning, most of the time, i am either busy with work, of just relaxing myself. but now, some anger arises. if i have a gun, i might put a bullet over the person responsible for below two clipping.

First one: about an Iraqi girl named Sabrine. read the full story here

Second one: its on every major news, the Iran capture 15 British crew and put them on TV. but in this case, its not the same as in Afghanistan where they are being prosecuted. they are being treated nicely, and on TV, explained why the heck they are being captured, but also state that they are being well treated.

The Iran gov is making this a peaceful resolution, their law is being carried out, in a humanity and reasonable way. but on the other end, B&B(bush and blair) are making one heck of a noise, saying how wrong the Iranian are, and demanded a immediate release, without an apology. read the full story here

okay, anyhow i won't pull the trigger, i am buddha followers. Any chances spreading dharma to both B&B?

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